The Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) is the largest business association in Latvia, with 6,000 members - micro, small, medium and large enterprises from all regions and industries, associations, city business clubs and other business associations. The Association represents the interests of entrepreneurs and provides services to ensure that Latvia has great companies in a great business environment. The Association's main sectors of activity are the business environment, business competitiveness and exports.
The Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry), uniting the efforts of its members, launches the social cohesion campaign "We are the people of Latvia". The aim is to draw public attention to the things that unite rather than divide societies. The campaign is based on the stories of Latvians about friendships between different cultures, common interests and the belief that together we can do more. From 2018. Gfitness has also become a member of LCCI